訂閱服務訂購須知及條款 – 美贊臣e訂購




  1. 訂閱服務

1.1. 我們在網站銷售的某些產品會提供以訂閱方式購買(“訂閱服務”)。只要網站上出現訂閲服務的選項,您便可以使用該選項以定期獲得訂單產品。

1.2. 我們的訂閱服務僅適用於香港客戶。

1.3. 商業客戶不應使用訂閱服務來購買產品以進行轉售。如果我們有理由發現您正在轉售通過訂閱服務購買的產品,我們可能會暫停或取消您的訂閱。


  1. 如何使用我們的訂閱服務

2.1. 您將需要一個客戶帳戶以使用訂閱服務。如果您現在還沒有申請帳戶,則可以在(建立帳戶 – 美贊臣e訂購 (meadjohnson.com.hk))進行註冊。


2.3. 結算後,我們將向您發送電子郵件確認訂閱。我們亦會通過電子郵件向您發送通知,告知您每個即將發送的訂單( “即將發送訂單電子郵件” ),並確認顧客下達每個訂單(“已發送訂單電子郵件”)的時間。您應該仔細閱讀電子郵件,以檢查您的訂閱是否正確,如有任何錯誤,請立即與我們聯繫。


  1. 更改或取消您的訂閱

3.1. 您可以隨時到訪“管理您的訂閱”頁面(管理您的訂閱)查。如需取消、暫停或更改訂閲服務,您亦可以在辦公時間內致電客戶服務熱線2510-6321。您訂單的任何更改,暫停或取消將從下一個訂單開始,只適用於尚未向您發出(“已發送訂單電子郵件”)的下一個訂單。假如您更改,暫停或取消了訂閱,我們仍然會向已確認我們“已發送電子郵件”或已發送的任何訂單收取費用。

3.2. 我們保留隨時暫停或取消您的訂閱的權利。如我們暫停或取消了你的訂閲,我們將會透過電子郵件通知你,並只收取已發貨產品的費用。


  1. 支付我們的訂閱服務

4.1. 首次註冊訂閱服務時,我們將會向您的第一筆訂單收費。而後續訂單也會在發出“已發送訂單郵件”時收取費用。通過註冊我們的訂閱服務,您授權我們向您每筆訂單收費,直到您的訂閱被取消為止。

4.2. 每個訂單的價格將在網站上訂單被處理時註明,並在即將發送訂單電子郵件中進行確認。除非另有說明,否則促銷,折扣,禮品卡和優惠(例如“買一送一”)將不適用於通過我們的訂閱服務訂購的產品。

4.3. 如果您的訂閱終止或因任何原因被取消,您將有責任支付所有已發送的訂單,這會由“已發送訂單電子郵件”確認。

4.4. 如果我們無法使用您提供的付款資料收取付款,您的訂閱將自動暫停。如果我們無法向你收取款項,我們將通過電子郵件通知您。您的訂閱將被暫停,直到我們能夠收取款項為止。

 5. 產品供應

5.1. 我們有時候未能提供產品,原因有機會是暫時缺貨,或者產品已永久停產或在訂購服務中被刪除。如果無法提供產品,我們會保留更改您的訂閱的權利。

5.2. 如果產品暫時缺貨,我們可能會從您的訂閱中刪除該產品,直至產品供應充足。您將沒有責任為未發送給您的任何產品付款。

5.3. 我們可能會用我們認為合適的替換產品替代無法提供的產品。如替換產品已添加到您的訂閱中,我們會在即將發訂單電子郵件中通知您。如果您不希望收到替換產品,則可以通過訪問管理您的訂閱頁面(管理您的訂閱)將其從訂單中刪除。

6. 送貨服務

6.1 我們會在確認訂閲訂單後兩天(星期六、日及公眾假期除外)送出第一筆訂閲訂單。其後訂單將會在確認訂閲訂單後的一個月送貨。

1.Subscription Service

1.1. Some of the products that we sell through our website can be purchased on a subscription basis (‘Subscription Service’). You can use our Subscription Service to receive repeat orders of products where this option is available on the website.

1.2. Our Subscription Service is available for customers located in Hong Kong only.

1.3.The Subscription Service should not be used by business customers to purchase products for resale. We may suspend or cancel your subscription if we reasonably believe that you are reselling products that you purchase through the Subscription Service.

2.How to use our Subscription Service

2.1.You will need a customer account to use the Subscription Service. If you do not already have an account, you can sign up for one here https://store.meadjohnson.com.hk/account/register.

2.2.To use our Subscription Service, simply choose the product that you would like to order and select the subscription option. You will be asked to confirm how often you would like the products to be delivered, your payment details and your delivery address before check-out.

2.3.We will send you e-mail confirmation of your subscription after you have checked out. We will also e-mail you to notify you of each upcoming order (“Upcoming Order E-mail”) and to confirm when each order has been dispatched (“Dispatch E-mail”). You should review these e-mails carefully to check that your subscription is correct and contact us immediately if there are any errors.

  1. Changing or cancelling your subscription

 3.1.You can view your subscription at any time by visiting the ‘Manage Your Subscription’ page (https://store.meadjohnson.com.hk/tools/checkout/api/manage/subscription/app). You can also change, pause or cancel subscription by calling our customer service hotline 2510-6321 during office hour. Any change, pause or cancellation of your subscription will apply from the next order for which we have not already sent you a Dispatch E-mail. If you change, pause or cancel your subscription, you will still be charged for any orders that have been dispatched and confirmed in our Dispatch E-mail.

3.2.We reserve the right to pause or cancel your subscription at any time. If we pause or cancel your subscription, we shall notify you by e-mail and will only charge you for products that have already been dispatched.

 4.Payment for our Subscription Service

 4.1.Payment for your first order will be charged when you first sign up to the Subscription Service. Each subsequent order will be charged at the time that we issue the Dispatch E-mail. By signing up to our Subscription Service, you authorize us to charge you for each order until your subscription is cancelled.

4.2.The price for each order will be that stated on our website at the time your order is processed and will be confirmed in the Upcoming Order E-Mail. Unless otherwise stated, promotions, discounts, gift cards and offers (such as ‘buy one get one free’) will not apply to products ordered through our Subscription Service.

4.3.If your subscription ends or is cancelled for any reason, you will be liable to pay for all orders that have been dispatched, as confirmed by a Dispatched E-mail.

 4.4.If we are unable to collect payment from you using the payment details that you have provided, your subscription will be automatically paused. We shall inform you by e-mail if we are unable to collect payment from you. Your subscription will be paused until we are able to collect payment.

